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Title: Material parameter identification of elastoplastic constitutive models using machine learning approaches
Author: Bastos, N.
Prates, P.
Andrade-Campos, A.
Keywords: Material Constitutive Model
Machine Learning
Parameter Identification
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Abstract: Today, the vast majority of design tasks are based on simulation tools. However, the success of the simulation depends on the accurate identification of the constitutive parameters of materials, i.e., its calibration. The classical parameter identification strategy, which relies on homogeneous tests, does not provide accurate and robust results required by the automotive and aerospace industry. Recently, numerical inverse methods, such as the Finite Element Model Updating and the Virtual Fields Method, have been developed for identifying constitutive parameters based on heterogeneous tests. Although these methods have proven effective for linear and non-linear models, the parameter identification process is complex, making it computationally expensive. In this work, a machine learning (ML) algorithm is used to pursue the goal of parameter identification of non-linear models using heterogeneous tests. For that purpose, a ML inverse model is trained using the Finite Element model as data source. A statistical analysis is conducted to identify the correlation between the training dataset size, mechanical tests results and the material parameters. The goal is to understand the importance of the different inputs and to reduce the computational time.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.4028/p-zr575d
ISSN: 1013-9826
Appears in Collections:TEMA - Artigos
DEM - Artigos

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