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Title: Literature review and theoretical framework of the evolution and interconnectedness of corporate sustainability constructs
Author: Costa, Alberto J.
Curi, Denise
Bandeira, Ana Maria
Ferreira, Augusta
Tomé, Brízida
Joaquim, Carla
Santos, Carlos
Góis, Cristina
Meira, Deolinda
Azevedo, Graça
Inácio, Helena
Jesus, Mafalda
Teixeira, Maria Goreti
Monteiro, Patrícia
Duarte, Ruben
Marques, Rui Pedro
Keywords: Sustainable development
Corporate sustainability
Corporate social responsibility
Issue Date: 7-Apr-2022
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: The concept of sustainable development (SD) was introduced in the “Our Common Future” report, launched in 1987, which influenced the emergence of many studies related to the role played by organizations as actors supporting SD. SD is a consolidated concept; however, since 1987, many political, social, and natural events have occurred on our planet, which have impacted companies’ behaviors. However, the diversity of research from different fields has provoked, among the academic community, a lack of clarity surrounding “sustainability” (S), “corporate sustainability” (CS) and “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) concepts. This lack of clarity can also be identified in companies, which have referred to “sustainability” only in the environmental field. Recently, increased discussions related to corporate sustainability metrics have shed light on the ESG criteria (environmental, social, and governance), increasing misperceptions associated with the concept. Ambiguous definitions and constructs may prevent managers from identifying sustainability goals for their companies. Therefore, literature reviews as a research method are more relevant than ever. Thus, in this work, we aim to answer the following question: How should we integrate different perspectives on corporate sustainability, in order to broaden the understanding of the concept? In this study, we conducted a focused bibliographic review and revisited the papers that most influenced the construction of the concepts. The information in this paper is helpful to improve the understanding of CS; to provide specific insights into the studies that have investigated this field; to help managers and entrepreneurs who are improving CS actions in their companies; and to support academia by putting together a large amount of information about this theme in one paper.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/su14084413
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Appears in Collections:ISCA-UA - Artigos
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GOVCOPP - Artigos

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