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Title: First-principles calculations on the adsorption behavior of amino acids on a titanium carbide MXene
Author: Gouveia, José D.
Novell-Leruth, Gerard
Reis, Pedro M. L. S.
Viñes, Francesc
Illas, Francesc
Gomes, José R. B.
Keywords: 2D materials
Amino acid
Clean MXenes
Density functional theory
Titanium carbide
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2020
Publisher: American Chemical Society
Abstract: Due to their vast range of promising biomedical and electronic applications, there is a growing interest in bioinorganic lamellar nanomaterials. MXenes are one such class of materials, which stand out by virtue of their demonstrated biocompatibility, pharmacological applicability, energy storage performance, and feasibility as single-molecule sensors. Here, we report on first-principles predictions, based on density functional theory, of the binding energies and ground-state configurations of six selected amino acids (AAs) adsorbed on O-terminated two-dimensional titanium carbide, Ti2CO2. We find that most AAs (aspartic acid, cysteine, glycine, and phenylalanine) prefer to adsorb via their nitrogen atom, which forms a weak bond with a surface Ti atom, with bond lengths of around 2.35 Å. In contrast, histidine and serine tend to adsorb parallel to the MXene surface, with their α carbon about 3 Å away from it. In both adsorption configurations, the adsorption energies are on the order of the tenths of an electronvolt. In addition, we find a positive, nearly linear correlation between the binding energy of each studied AA and its van der Waals volume, which suggests an adsorption dominated by van der Waals forces. This relationship allowed us to predict the adsorption energies for all of the proteinogenic AAs on the same Ti2CO2 MXene. Our analysis additionally shows that in the parallel adsorption mode there is a negligible transfer of charge density from the AA to the surface but noticeable in the N-bonded adsorption mode. In the latter, the isosurfaces of charge density differences show accumulation of shared electrons in the region between N and Ti, confirming the predicted N–Ti bond. The moderate adsorption energy values calculated, as well as the preservation of the integrity of both the AAs and the surface upon adsorption, reinforce the capability of Ti2CO2 as a promising reusable biosensor for amino acids.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.0c00621
ISSN: 2576-6422
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos

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