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Title: Pay as You Go: A Generic Crypto Tolling Architecture
Author: Bartolomeu, Paulo C.
Vieira, Emanuel
Ferreira, Joaquim
Keywords: 5G
Hyperledger indy
Intelligent transportation systems
Open road tolling
Self-sovereign identity
Vehicular communications
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: The imminent pervasive adoption of vehicular communication, either localized (ETSI ITS G5, IEEE WAVE or cellular D2D), long range (5G) or hybrid, will foster a richer service ecosystem for vehicular applications. The appearance of new cryptography-based solutions envisaging digital identity and currency exchange are set to stem new approaches for existing and future challenges. This article presents a novel tolling architecture that harnesses the availability of 5G C-V2X connectivity for open road tolling using smartphones, IOTA as the digital currency, and Hyperledger Indy for identity validation. An experimental feasibility analysis is used to validate the proposed architecture for secure, private, and convenient electronic toll payment.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3034299
Appears in Collections:DETI - Artigos
ESTGA - Artigos
IT - Artigos

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