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Title: Inhomogeneous evolution of subgraphs and cycles in complex networks
Author: Vázquez, Alexei
Oliveira, J. G.
Barabási, Albert-László
Issue Date: Feb-2005
Publisher: American Physical Society
Abstract: Subgraphs and cycles are often used to characterize the local properties of complex networks. Here we show that the subgraph structure of real networks is highly time dependent: as the network grows, the density of some subgraphs remains unchanged, while the density of others increase at a rate that is determined by the network's degree distribution and clustering properties. This inhomogeneous evolution process, supported by direct measurements on several real networks, leads to systematic shifts in the overall subgraph spectrum and to an inevitable overrepresentation of some subgraphs and cycles.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.025103
ISSN: 2470-0045
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DFis - Artigos

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