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Title: Naso-pharyngeal mites Halarachne halichoeri (Allman, 1847) in Grey seals stranded on the NW Spanish Atlantic Coast
Author: Alonso-Farré, J. M.
D'Silva, J. I. Díaz
Gestal, C.
Keywords: Halarachne halichoeri
Grey seal
Halichoerus grypus
Nasal mite
Marine mammal
Issue Date: 10-Feb-2012
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: In North Atlantic European waters, the nasal mite Halarachne halichoeri has been described affecting Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) producing different levels of respiratory disease. This study provides data on the prevalence, clinical signs and produced macro-pathology of this parasite mite infecting juvenile wild Grey seals stranded in North-Western Spanish coast. Among the 25 seals examined during the study, a total of 19 had nasal mites in their respiratory upper ways, including adult and larval stages. This represented a percentage of prevalence of 76 ± 8.37. All the live positive seals presented a typical clinical symptomatology associated to upper respiratory tract infections. In dead positive seals, a light to intense sinusitis could be diagnosed macroscopically. The presence of the parasite in the nasal sinuses appears as the primary cause of the high respiratory tract symptomatology presented in most of the juvenile seals stranded in the north coast of Spain. Ultrastructural characterization by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) has confirmed the taxonomic status of the mite. This identification of H. halichoeri represents the first description of the occurrence of this parasite in Southern Europe.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.08.002
ISSN: 0304-4017
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos

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