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Title: The potential of a pedagogical approach in mathematics based on autonomous and collaborative exploration of web 2.0 tools: a case study in higher education
Author: Lemos, Carlota
Pombo, Lúcia
Cabrita, Isabel
Issue Date: Jun-2016
Publisher: Universidade de Aveiro
Abstract: The Bologna process imposed new challenges for higher education, including for Mathematics, a structuring area for most courses that continues to compromise students' learning. A proper use of Web 2.0 tools may establish an innovative way to overcome the situation. To address this issue, a casestudy was developed with the aim to analyze if a pedagogical approach based on the collaborative and autonomous exploration, extra-class, of webquests and questions based on forum interactions, could contribute to the development of transversal and specific abilities by students, in Mathematics curricular units, in engineering courses. The statistical and content analysis of inquiry gathered data, direct observation and documental collection allowed to conclude that this pedagogical approach promoted interest for Mathematics, as well as expand students’ motivation and learning commitment, contributing to build and apply knowledge about inverse trigonometric functions and differential and integral calculus.
Peer review: yes
Appears in Collections:CIDTFF - Comunicações

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