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Title: Dielectric barrier formation and tunneling magnetoresistance effect in strontium iron molybdate
Author: Dem'yanov, S. E.
Kalanda, N. A.
Kovalev, L. V.
Avdeev, M. V.
Zheludkevich, M. L.
Garamus, V. M.
Willumeit, R.
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: A comparative X-ray diffraction study of the initial single-phase metal-oxide compound-strontium iron molybdate Sr2FeMoO6 - delta (SFMO)-and that subjected to additional isothermal annealing shows that this heat treatment leads to the appearance of a SrMoO4 (SMO) phase. Small-angle neutron scattering measurements indicate that the SMO phase forms a dielectric shell surrounding SFMO grains, which has a characteristic thickness of 2-4 nm and extends above 120 nm. The character of the temperature dependence of the electric resistance corresponds to the metal-type conduction in single-phase SFMO and changes to a semiconductor type in the material with SMO dielectric shells, which is evidence of a tunneling mechanism of charge transfer. This conclusion is confirmed by an increase in the absolute value of the negative magnetoresistance of SFMO due to the appearance of a tunneling magnetoresistance component of the same sign.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1134/S1063785013060199
ISSN: 1063-7850
Publisher Version: 10.1134/S1063785013060199
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos

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