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Title: Spinning boson stars and Kerr black holes with scalar hair: the effect of self-interactions
Author: Herdeiro, Carlos A. R.
Radu, Eugen
Runarsson, Helgi F.
Keywords: Black holes
Scalar field
Boson stars
Issue Date: Aug-2016
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
Abstract: Self-interacting boson stars (BSs) have been shown to alleviate the astrophysically low maximal mass of their nonself-interacting counterparts. We report some physical features of spinning self-interacting BSs, namely their compactness, the occurrence of ergo-regions and the scalar field profiles, for a sample of values of the coupling parameter. The results agree with the general picture that these BSs are comparatively less compact than the nonself-interacting ones. We also briefly discuss the effect of scalar self-interactions on the properties of Kerr black holes with scalar hair.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1142/S0218271816410145
ISSN: 0218-2718
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
DFis - Artigos
GGDG - Artigos

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