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Title: PROSE: survey on requirements for hosting open source software projects
Author: Matos, Alfredo
León, Miguel Ponce de
Ferreira, Rui
Barraca, João Paulo
Issue Date: Mar-2013
Publisher: SUCRE Project
Abstract: Widespread use of free/libre/open source software (FLOSS) in European funded projects is vital to innovation transfer, but often, such software doesn’t enter general use. Legal issues, lack of business drivers, incomplete documentation and lack of knowledge about FLOSS are some of the most common reasons for this. PROSE, an EU-funded project tasked with promoting FLOSS, aims to provide a common cloud platform on which open source projects can be hosted and information shared. But how would such a platform work? And what would be its main requirements and features? PROSE turned to ICT FP7 participants for answers.
Peer review: yes
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Appears in Collections:DETI - Artigos

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