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Title: Particle tracking-modeling of morphologic changes in the Ria de Aveiro
Author: Picado, A.
Silva, P. A.
Fortunato, A. B.
Dias, J. M.
Keywords: Flooded areas
Sediments transport
Sediments pathway
Settling time
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Coastal Education and Research Foundation
Abstract: Tidal currents in an estuary carry all types of dissolved, suspended or floating material. Particle tracking models constitute powerful tools in assessing the transport of this material, through the study of the particles trajectories and settling positions. Thus, this work aims at using a Lagrangian particle tracking model driven by hydrodynamic fields to study the impact of morphologic anthropogenic and natural changes in sediments transport at Ria de Aveiro. In fact, as many coastal systems, Ria de Aveiro is in progressive degradation associated to the lack of maintenance and to the strong currents occurring in its channels, which erode their protective walls. Hence, the model VELApart, which is driven by the hydrodynamic model ELCIRC (previously calibrated for this lagoon), was applied for two configurations of the Ria de Aveiro: one representing the present situation of the lagoon and another representing a scenario with the enlargement of its flooded area. According to model results, morphologic changes influence the sediments pathways and final position, as well as the settling time. Generally for the flooded bathymetry the sediments travel a longer distance and the preferential zones of deposition are inside the flooded area, while for the present configuration sediments settle down in the main adjacent channels. The settling times also increase with the enlargement of the flooded area.
Peer review: yes
ISSN: 0749-0208
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos
DFis - Artigos
Ria de Aveiro - Artigos

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