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Title: D3.8. Electronic mock-up of LITES
Author: Larat, Emmanuel
Delrot, Pascal
Avotins, Ansis
Alves, Luis Nero
Aguiar, Rui Luís
Adrian, Leslie
Keywords: Projecto LITES CIP-ICT-PSP 238916
Issue Date: 16-Jul-2013
Abstract: The objective of this task 3.5: “Electronic mock-up of the LITES luminaire” is to produce a mock-up of LITES with i ts electronic subcomponents in order to make all necessary tests for interface with communication modules with power supply, and carry out testing of LITES mock-up for communication, electronic features and detection set. Typically these are tests to evaluate if specific solution/configuration is working as supposed or not, and doesn’t needs to carry out deep tests in specific laboratories. This deliverable is the most important deliverable as it shows which LITES solution parts are used and how exactly it is planned to install the LITES technology, in order to comply with demands and requirements in each of the Pilot Sites.
Peer review: yes
Appears in Collections:DETI - Relatórios

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