Browsing by Author Takahashi, S.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Aug-2009 | Distribution of synthetic organotins and total tin levels in Mytilus galloprovincialis along the Portuguese coast | Sousa, A.; Ikemoto, T.; Takahashi, S.; Barroso, C.; Tanabe, S. | article |  |
2007 | Integrative assessment of organotin contamination in a southern European estuarine system (Ria de Aveiro, NW Portugal): Tracking temporal trends in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the EU ban | Sousa, A.; Matsudaira, C.; Takahashi, S.; Tanabe, S.; Barroso, C. | article |  |