Browsing by Author Silva, A. G.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2017 | Chronic pain in high school students is associated with physical activity and sleeping hours but not with screen time | Silva, A. G.; Couto, P. S.; Queiros, A.; Neto, M.; Rocha, N. P. | article |  |
Dec-2020 | Front passivation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells using Al2O3: culprits and benefits | Curado, M. A.; Teixeira, J. P.; Monteiro, M.; Ribeiro, E. F. M.; Vilão, R.C.; Alberto, H. V.; Cunha, J. M. V.; Lopes, T.S.; Oliveira, K.; Donzel-Gargand, O.; Hultqvist, A.; Calderon, S.; Barreiros, M. A.; Chiappim, W.; Leitão, J. P.; Silva, A. G.; Prokscha, T.; Vinhais, C.; Fernandes, P. A.; Salomé, P. M. P. | article |  |
2009 | Head posture assessment for patients with neck pain: is it useful? | Silva, A. G.; Punt, T. David; Sharples, P.; Vilas-Boas, J. P.; Johnson, M. I. | article |  |
2017 | Pain, pain intensity and pain disability in high school students are differently associated with physical activity, screening hours and sleep | Silva, A. G.; Sa-Couto, P.; Queirós, A.; Neto, M.; Rocha, N. P. | article |  |
Sep-2019 | Rear optical reflection and passivation using a nanopatterned metal/dielectric structure in thin-film solar cells | Lopes, T. S.; Cunha, J. M. V.; Bose, S.; Barbosa, J. R. S.; Borme, J.; Donzel-Gargand, O.; Rocha, C.; Silva, R.; Hultqvist, A.; Chen, W.-C.; Silva, A. G.; Edoff, M.; Fernandes, P. A.; Salomé, P. M. P. | article |  |
2010 | Reliability and validity of head posture assessment by observation and a four-category scale | Silva, A. G.; Punt, T. D.; Johnson, M. I. | article |  |