Browsing by Author Rodriguez, Brian J.

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2015Conformational dynamics and aggregation behavior of piezoelectric diphenylalanine peptides in an external electric fieldKelly, Catherine M.; Northey, Thomas; Ryan, Kate; Brooks, Bernard R.; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Rodriguez, Brian J.; Buchete, Nicolae-ViorelarticlerestrictedAccess
2015Covering vertically aligned carbon nanotubes with a multiferroic compoundMahajan, Amit; Rodriguez, Brian J.; Saravanan, K. Venkata; Ramana, E. Venkata; Costa, Pedro M. F. J.; Vilarinho, Paula M.articlerestrictedAccess
22-Mar-2019Eco-friendly preparation of electrically conductive chitosan - reduced graphene oxide flexible bionanocomposites for food packaging and biological applicationsBarra, Ana; Ferreira, Nuno M.; Martins, Manuel A.; Lazar, Oana; Pantazi, Aida; Jderu, Alin Alexandru; Neumayer, Sabine M.; Rodriguez, Brian J.; Enăchescu, Marius; Ferreira, Paula; Nunes, CláudiaarticleopenAccess
2025Electrostriction contribution to the electromechanical response of cast chitosan filmsGuzmán Sierra, Dayana L.; Zhang, Qiancheng; Kolagatla, Srikanth; Vilarinho, Paula M.; Nunes, Cláudia; Rodriguez, Brian J.; Ferreira, PaulaarticlerestrictedAccess
2015Interface and thickness dependent domain switching and stability in Mg doped lithium niobateNeumayer, Sabine M.; Ivanov, Ilia N.; Manzo, Michele; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Gallo, Katia; Rodriguez, Brian J.articleopenAccess
2016Interface modulated currents in periodically proton exchanged Mg doped lithium niobateNeumayer, Sabine M.; Manzo, Michele; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Gallo, Katia; Rodriguez, Brian J.articleopenAccess
2015Local piezoresponse and polarization switching in nucleobase thymine microcrystalsBdikin, Igor; Heredia, Alejandro; Neumayer, Sabine M.; Bystrov, Vladimir S.; Gracio, Jose; Rodriguez, Brian J.; Kholkin, Andrei L.articleopenAccess
2015Nanoscale Piezoelectric Properties of Self-Assembled Fmoc-FF Peptide Fibrous NetworksRyan, Kate; Beirne, Jason; Redmond, Gareth; Kilpatrick, Jason I.; Guyonnet, Jill; Buchete, Nicolae-Viorel; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Rodriguez, Brian J.articlerestrictedAccess
2015The role of nanoporosity on the local piezo and ferroelectric properties of lead titanate thin filmsCastro, Alichandra; Ferreira, Paula; Rodriguez, Brian J.; Vilarinho, Paula M.articlerestrictedAccess
2015Thickness, humidity, and polarization dependent ferroelectric switching and conductivity in Mg doped lithium niobateNeumayer, Sabine M.; Strelcov, Evgheni; Manzo, Michele; Gallo, Katia; Kravchenko, Ivan I.; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Kalinin, Sergei V.; Rodriguez, Brian J.articleopenAccess
2016Wettability gradient-induced alignment of peptide nanotubes as templates for biosensing applicationsAlmohammed, Sawsan; Oladapo, Sarah O.; Ryan, Kate; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Rice, James H.; Rodriguez, Brian J.articleopenAccess
2016Wettability gradient-induced alignment of peptide nanotubes as templates for biosensing applicationsAlmohammed, Sawsan; Oladapo, Sarah O.; Ryan, Kate; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Rice, James H.; Rodriguez, Brian J.articleopenAccess