Browsing by Author Maurer, A.-F.

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
Apr-2020Addressing human mobility in Iberian Neolithic and Chalcolithic ditched enclosures: The case of Perdigões (South Portugal)Valera, A.C.; Zalaite, I.; Maurer, A.-F.; Grimes, V.; Silva, A.M.; Ribeiro, Sara Monteiro; Santos, José Francisco; Dias, C.B.articlerestrictedAccess
Apr-2020Diet and mobility during the Christian conquest of Iberia: The multi-isotopic investigation of a 12th-13th century military order in Évora, PortugalMacRoberts, R.; Dias, C.B.; Fernandes, T.; Santos, A. L.; Umbelino, C.; Gonçalves, A.; Santos, José Francisco; Ribeiro, Sara Monteiro; Schöne, B. R.; Barros, F.; Correia, F.; Vilar, H. V.; Maurer, A.-F.articlerestrictedAccess
1-Jun-2018Diet and mobility of fauna from Late Neolithic-Chalcolithic site of Perdigões, PortugalZalaite, I.; Maurer, A.-F.; Grimes, V.; Silva, A. M.; Ribeiro, Sara Monteiro; Santos, José Francisco; Dias. C. B.; Valera, A. C.articleopenAccess
Oct-2015Isotopic investigation in the region of Pax Julia during paleochristian occupation: paleodiets and mobilityMaurer, A.-F.; Saragoça, P.; Dias, C. B.; Soberl, L.; Lopes, M. C.; Alfenim, R.; Leandro, I.; Umbelino, C.; Fernandes, T.; Valente, M. J.; Ribeiro, S.; Santos, J. F.; Janeiro, A. I.conferenceObjectopenAccess
Mar-2015Multi-analytical and isotope investigation of a Late Roman/Paleochristian population from the far west corner of the Roman Empire [Pax Julia]Saragoça, P.; Maurer, A.-F.; Soberl, L.; Lopes, M. C.; Alfenim, R.; Leandro, I.; Umbelino, C.; Fernandes, T.; Valente, M. J.; Ribeiro, S.; Santos, J. F.; Dias, C.; Janeiro, A. I.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2024Shrouded in history: Unveiling the ways of life of an early Muslim population in Santarém, Portugal (8th– 10th century AD)MacRoberts, R.A.; Liberato, M.; Roca-Rada, X.; Valente, M.J.; Relvado C.; Fernandes, T.M.; Dias, C.B.; Llamas, B.; Vilar, H.V.; Schöne, B.R.; Ribeiro, S. M.; Santos, J. F.; Teixeira, J.C.; Maurer, A.-F.articleopenAccess