Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Aug-2016 | An extreme planetary system around HD 219828: one long-period super Jupiter to a hot-Neptune host star | Santos, N. C.; Santerne, A.; Faria, J. P.; Rey, J.; Correia, A. C. M.; Laskar, J.; Udry, S.; Adibekyan, V.; Bouchy, F.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Melo, C.; Dumusque, X.; Hébrard, G.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Montalto, M.; Mortier, A.; Pepe, F.; Figueira, P.; Sahlmann, J.; Ségransan, D.; Sousa, S. G. | article |  |
13-Jan-2016 | Cassini states for black hole binaries | Correia, A. C. M. | article |  |
May-2016 | Close-in planets around giant stars: lack of hot-Jupiters and prevalence of multiplanetary systems | Lillo-Box, J.; Barrado, D.; Correia, A. C. M. | article |  |
Nov-2016 | Complete spin and orbital evolution of close-in bodies using a Maxwell viscoelastic rheology | Boué, G.; Correia, A. C. M.; Laskar, J. | article |  |
Nov-2015 | Detecting ring systems around exoplanets using high resolution spectroscopy: the case of 51 Pegasi b | Santos, N. C.; Martins, J. H. C.; Boue, G.; Correia, A. C. M.; Oshagh, M.; Figueira, P.; Santerne, A.; Sousa, S. G.; Melo, C.; Montalto, M.; Boisse, I.; Ehrenreich, D.; Lovis, C.; Pepe, F.; Udry, S.; Munoz, A. Garcia | article |  |
Mar-2017 | Detection of co-orbital planets by combining transit and radial-velocity measurements | Leleu, A.; Robutel, P.; Correia, A. C. M.; Lillo-Box, J. | article |  |
Aug-2016 | Is the activity level of HD 80606 influenced by its eccentric planet? | Figueira, P.; Santerne, A.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Silva, J. G. da; Abe, L.; Adibekyan, V. Zh.; Bendjoya, P.; Correia, A. C. M.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Faria, J. P.; Hebrard, G.; Lovis, C.; Oshagh, M.; Rivet, J.-P.; Santos, N. C.; Suarez, O.; Vidotto, A. A. | article |  |
Sep-2017 | Lidov-Kozai stability regions in the α Centauri system | Giuppone, C. A.; Correia, A. C. M. | article |  |
Dec-2009 | Neptune Trojans and Plutinos: colors, sizes, dynamics, and their possible collisions | Almeida, Álvaro. J. C.; Peixinho, N.; Correia, A. C. M. | article |  |
2018 | On the coplanar eccentric non-restricted co-orbital dynamics | Leleu, A.; Robutel, P.; Correia, A. C. M. | article |  |
Jun-2016 | On the rotation of co-orbital bodies in eccentric orbits | Leleu, A.; Robutel, P.; Correia, A. C. M. | article |  |
Jan-2017 | Radial velocity data analysis with compressed sensing techniques | Hara, N. C.; Boué, G.; Laskar, J.; Correia, A. C. M. | article |  |
Nov-2016 | Secular and tidal evolution of circumbinary systems | Correia, A. C. M.; Boué, G.; Laskar, J. | article |  |
Sep-2017 | Spin dynamics of close-in planets exhibiting large transit timing variations | Delisle, J.-B.; Correia, A. C. M.; Leleu, A.; Robutel, P. | article |  |
Jul-2015 | Stability of resonant configurations during the migration of planets and constraints on disk-planet interactions | Delisle, J. -B.; Correia, A. C. M.; Laskar, J. | article |  |
Jul-2018 | The effects of deformation inertia (kinetic energy) in the orbital and spin evolution of close-in bodies | Correia, A. C. M.; Ragazzo, C.; Ruiz, L. S. | article |  |
Jul-2017 | The rotation of planets hosting atmospheric tides: From Venus to habitable super-Earths | Auclair-Desrotour, P.; Laskar, J.; Mathis, S.; Correia, A. C. M. | article |  |
Apr-2016 | The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets: X. Detection and characterization of giant planets by the dozen | Hébrard, G.; Arnold, L.; Forveille, T.; Correia, A. C. M.; Laskar, J.; Bonfils, X.; Boisse, I.; Díaz, R. F.; Hagelberg, J.; Sahlmann, J.; Santos, N. C.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Borgniet, S.; Bouchy, F.; Bourrier, V.; Courcol, B.; Delfosse, X.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O.; Ehrenreich, D.; Gregorio, J.; Jovanovic, N.; Labrevoir, O.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Lovis, C.; Lozi, J.; Moutou, C.; Montagnier, G.; Pepe, F.; Rey, J.; Santerne, A.; Ségransan, D.; Udry, S.; Vanhuysse, M.; Vigan, A.; Wilson, P. A. | article |  |
1-Oct-2018 | The TROY project: II. Multi-technique constraints on exotrojans in nine planetary systems | Lillo-Box, J.; Leleu, A.; Parviainen, H.; Figueira, P.; Mallonn, M.; Correia, A. C. M.; Santos, N. C.; Robutel, P.; Lendl, M.; Boffin, H. M. J.; Faria, J. P.; Barrado, D.; Neal, J. | article |  |
1-Jan-2018 | The TROY project: Searching for co-orbital bodies to known planets: I. Project goals and first results from archival radial velocity | Lillo-Box, J.; Barrado, D.; Figueira, P.; Leleu, A.; Santos, N. C.; Correia, A. C. M.; Robutel, P.; Faria, J. P. | article |  |