Browsing by Author Belsley, Michael Scott
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2014 | Enhancement of near infrared emission in La co-doped ZnO/Er nanoplates | Zamiri, Reza; Rebelo, Avito; Ahangar, Hossein Abastabar; Belsley, Michael Scott; Ferreira, J. M. F. | article |  |
2014 | Far-infrared optical constants of ZnO and ZnO/Ag nanostructures | Zamiri, Reza; Rebelo, Avito; Zamiri, Golriz; Adnani, Atena; Kuashal, Ajay; Belsley, Michael Scott; Ferreira, J. M. F. | article |  |
2014 | Influence of Mg doping on dielectric and optical properties of ZnO nano-plates prepared by wet chemical method | Zamiri, Reza; Singh, Budhendra; Bdikin, Igor; Rebelo, Avito; Belsley, Michael Scott; Ferreira, J. M. F. | article |  |
2014 | Structural and dielectric properties of Al-doped ZnO nanostructures | Zamiri, Reza; Singh, Budhendra; Belsley, Michael Scott; Ferreira, J. M. F. | article |  |
2014 | Study of far infrared optical properties and, photocatalytic activity of ZnO/ZnS hetero-nanocomposite structure | Zamiri, Reza; Tobaldi, David Maria; Ahangar, Hossein Abbastabar; Rebelo, Avito; Seabra, Maria Paula; Belsley, Michael Scott; Ferreira, J. M. F. | article |  |