Browsing by Author Barroso, C.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2014 | Assessment of imposex and butyltin concentrations in Gemophos viverratus (Kiener, 1834), from São Vicente, Republic of Cabo Verde (Africa) | Lopes-dos-Santos, R. M. A.; Galante-Oliveira, S.; Lopes, E.; Almeida, C.; Barroso, C. | article |  |
2006 | Assessment of inshore/offshore tributyltin pollution gradients in the northwest Portugal continental shelf using Nassarius reticulatus as a bioindicator | Rato, M.; Sousa, A.; Quinta, R.; Langston, W.; Barroso, C. | article |  |
Jul-2012 | Differential genotoxicity of Roundup(®) formulation and its constituents in blood cells of fish (Anguilla anguilla): considerations on chemical interactions and DNA damaging mechanisms | Guilherme, S.; Santos, M. A.; Barroso, C.; Gaivão, I.; Pacheco, M. | article |  |
Aug-2009 | Distribution of synthetic organotins and total tin levels in Mytilus galloprovincialis along the Portuguese coast | Sousa, A.; Ikemoto, T.; Takahashi, S.; Barroso, C.; Tanabe, S. | article |  |
Apr-2008 | Effect of low salinity on the survival of recently hatched veliger of Nassarius reticulatus (L.) in estuarine habitats: A case study of Ria de Aveiro | Genio, L.; Sousa, A.; Vaz, N.; Dias, J. M.; Barroso, C. | article |  |
2007 | Integrative assessment of organotin contamination in a southern European estuarine system (Ria de Aveiro, NW Portugal): Tracking temporal trends in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the EU ban | Sousa, A.; Matsudaira, C.; Takahashi, S.; Tanabe, S.; Barroso, C. | article |  |
2011 | Nucella lapillus L. imposex levels after legislation prohibiting TBT antifoulants: temporal trends from 2003 to 2008 along the Portuguese coast | Galante-Oliveira, S.; Oliveira, I.; Ferreira, N.; Santos, J. A.; Pacheco, M.; Barroso, C. | article |  |