Browsing by Author dos Santos, A. M.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2016 | Carboxylate-based molecular magnet: One path toward achieving stable quantum correlations at room temperature | Cruz, C.; Soares-Pinto, D. O.; Brandao, P.; dos Santos, A. M.; Reis, M. S. | article |  |
2015 | Heptacopper(II) and dicopper(II)-adenine complexes: synthesis, structural characterization, and magnetic properties | Leite Ferreira, B. J. M.; Brandao, Paula; dos Santos, A. M.; Gai, Z.; Cruz, C.; Reis, M. S.; Santos, T. M.; Felix, V. | article |  |
2014 | Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of a manganese (II) silicate containing frustrated S=5/2 zig-zag ladders | Brandao, P.; dos Santos, A. M.; Paixao, L. S.; Reis, M. S. | article |  |