Browsing by Author Fidélis, Teresa

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Showing results 27 to 42 of 42 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2016Quintas da Ria: contributos sobre a proteção, valorização e gestão da Ria de AveiroFidélis, Teresa; Martins, Filomena Cardoso; Teles, Filipe; Coelho, Carlos; Fonseca, Carlos; Albino, Cláudia; Pereira, Eduarda; Queiroga, Henrique; Dias, João Miguel; Pinheiro, Luís Menezes; Costa, RuibookopenAccess
19-May-2009Surrender or resistance to the implementation of Local Agenda 21 in Portugal: the challenges of local governance for sustainable developmentFidélis, Teresa; Pires, Sara MorenoarticlerestrictedAccess
2000Sustentabilidade ambiental e diferenciação territorial no controlo do desenvolvimento na envolvente a áreas sensíveis : o caso da ria de AveiroFidélis, TeresadoctoralThesisopenAccess
Aug-2022The Embeddedness of Nature-Based Solutions in the Recovery and Resilience Plans as Multifunctional Approaches to Foster the Climate Transition: The Cases of Italy and PortugalDi Pirro, Elena; Mendes, Rúben; Fidélis, Teresa; Sallustio, Lorenzo; Roebeling, Peter; Marchetti, Marco; Lasserre, BrunoarticleopenAccess
12-Jan-2020The institutionalization of nature-based solutions - a discourse analysis of emergent literatureMendes, Rúben; Fidélis, Teresa; Roebeling, Peter; Teles, FilipearticleopenAccess
Oct-2019The integration of land use and climate change risks in the Programmes of Measures of River Basin Plans – assessing the influence of the Water Framework Directive in PortugalFidélis, Teresa; Rodrigues, CarlaarticlerestrictedAccess
Feb-2019The integration of land use in public water reservoirs plans: critical analysis of the regulatory approaches used for the protection of banksRodrigues, Carla; Fidélis, TeresaarticlerestrictedAccess
1-Nov-2009The perception of environmental quality in Aveiro, Portugal: a study ofCarvalho, Daniela; Fidélis, TeresaarticlerestrictedAccess
9-Apr-2022The Protection of Estuarine Margins under the Maritime–Terrestrial Public Domain, the Cases of Portugal, Angola, Brazil, and MozambiqueAntunes, Marco; Fidélis, Teresa; Pires, Miguel LucasarticleopenAccess
2013The relevance of governance models for estuary management plansCarvalho, Teresa M.; Fidélis, TeresaarticlerestrictedAccess
2021Traditional communities, territories and climate change in the literature – case studies and the role of lawLocca, Luciana; Fidélis, TeresaarticlerestrictedAccess
8-Jun-2006Transboundary EIA: Iberian experiencesAbergaria, Rita; Fidélis, TeresaarticlerestrictedAccess
2014Water resources and land use planning systems in portugal-exploring better synergies through ria de aveiroFidélis, Teresa; Roebeling, PeterarticlerestrictedAccess
26-Jun-2013Water resources and spatial planning systems in Portugal: using Ria de Aveiro as a model to explore better synergiesFidélis, Teresa; Roebeling, PeterconferenceObjectopenAccess
16-Mar-2013Water-related citizens' complaints on a coastal wet land area: exploring the influence of local administrative boundariesCarvalho, Daniela; Fidélis, TeresaconferenceObjectopenAccess
27-Nov-2022What is spatial planning saying? A conceptual and methodological framework to assess the institutionalization of nature using critical discourse analysisMendes, Rúben; Fidélis, Teresa; Roebeling, Peter; Teles, Filipe; Farrelly, MichaelarticlerestrictedAccess