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Title: Concurrent object-oriented programming: The MP-Eiffel approach
Author: Silva, Miguel Augusto Mendes Oliveira e
Keywords: concurrent programming
Issue Date: Apr-2004
Publisher: EtH Zurich
Abstract: This article evaluates several possible approaches for integrating concurrency into object-oriented programming languages, presenting afterwards, a new language named MP-Eiffel. MP-Eiffel was designed attempting to include all the essential properties of both concurrent and object-oriented programming with simplicity and safety. A special care was taken to achieve the orthogonality of all the language mechanisms, allowing their joint use without unsafe side-effects (such as inheritance anomalies).
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2004.3.4.a6
ISSN: 1660-1769
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:IEETA - Artigos

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