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Title: Video publication to different mobile devices
Author: Silva, Telmo Eduardo Miranda Castelão da
Abreu, Jorge Trinidad Ferraz de
Keywords: Mobile devices
Televisión 3.0
nuevos modelos de negocio en la red
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Universidad de Salamanca
Abstract: Users’ adoption of sophisticated handheld devices in addition to the increasing of interoperability among platforms has resulted in expansion of video consumption. Despite this, if a regular user wants to set a custom video platform to provide videos to different mobile devices, he must have specific skills to accomplish the task due to specificities of each mobile operating system in terms of supported video codecs, streaming technologies and video players. In this context, this paper presents some technical solutions that allow the implementation of a CMS based video platform that can be accessed trough Android, Symbian and Iphone mobile devices.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-84-615-1693-3
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DigiMedia - Comunicações

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