Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/41644
Título: Normalized effect size (NES): a novel feature selection model for Urdu fake news classification
Autor: Wasim, Muhammad
Cheema, Sehrish Munawar
Pires, Ivan Miguel
Palavras-chave: Urdu fake news
Feature selection
Feature engineering
Style-based classification
Textual data
Natural language processing (NLP)
Social media content
Machine learning
Urdu text classification
Data: 2023
Editora: PeerJ
Resumo: Social media has become an essential source of news for everyday users. However, the rise of fake news on social media has made it more difficult for users to trust the information on these platforms. Most research studies focus on fake news detection in the English language, and only a limited number of studies deal with fake news in resource-poor languages such as Urdu. This article proposes a globally weighted term selection approach named normalized effect size (NES) to select highly discriminative features for Urdu fake news classification. The proposed model is based on the traditional inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) weighting measure. TF-IDF transforms the textual data into a weighted term-document matrix and is usually prone to the curse of dimensionality. Our novel statistical model filters the most discriminative terms to reduce the data's dimensionality and improve classification accuracy. We compare the proposed approach with the seven well-known feature selection and ranking techniques, namely normalized difference measure (NDM), bi-normal separation (BNS), odds ratio (OR), GINI, distinguished feature selector (DFS), information gain (IG), and Chi square (Chi). Our ensemble-based approach achieves high performance on two benchmark datasets, BET and UFN, achieving an accuracy of 88% and 90%, respectively.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/41644
DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1612
Aparece nas coleções: ESTGA - Artigos

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