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Title: Primary English teacher education in Portugal: an exploratory study
Author: Vieira, Flávia
Mourão, Sandie
Andrade, Ana Isabel
Cruz, Mário
Reis-Jorge, José
Leslie, Carolyn
Orega, Maria Isabel
Pinho, Ana Sofia
Silva, Elisabete Mendes
Simões, Ana Raquel
Keywords: Initial teacher education
Professional learning;
Teaching English as a foreign language
Primary education
Issue Date: 10-Oct-2022
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: The expansion of early language learning has fostered the need to prepare qualified teachers of English to young learners. This paper presents findings from a multi-site case study of initial teacher education programmes created in 2015 in Portugal when English became compulsory in grades 3 and 4. The study investigated intended professional learning competences and tasks as described in curricula, as well as teaching and inquiry practices developed in practicum settings. A multi-method approach was used, involving the analysis of ten higher education institutions’ curricula, a sample of practicum reports, the responses of former student teachers to an online survey, and reflective records from student teachers, faculty supervisors, and cooperating teachers. Findings portray a reflective, inquiry-oriented view of professional development and the enactment of current teaching approaches. The study stresses the role of curricula and practicum arrangements in creating meaningful professional learning scenarios and promoting learner-centred teaching in schools.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2022.2132384
ISSN: 0261-9768
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CIDTFF - Artigos
DEP - Artigos

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