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Title: The use of diversified active learning methodologies in mathematics classes: a case study with pre-service teachers
Author: Hall, A.
Pais, S.
Keywords: Active learning
Higher education
Mathematics education
Mathematical magic
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IATED
Abstract: Mathematics is one of the school subjects where demotivation, dislike and failure are frequent concerns. It is necessary to engage students in the classroom and look for resources that make classes attractive and engaging, thus leading to meaningful learning experiences in mathematics. Active learning methodologies provide alternative options to traditional lecturing, actively engaging students in the learning process. The use of a single methodology may not be the best option to address this problem. A diversified approach that incorporates various methodologies and their combinations appears to be a preferable solution, as diversity not only leads to a more dynamic teaching style but also attends to the variety of preferences and needs of the students. In this work, we present a case study where we implemented and combined a range of active learning strategies to enhance student engagement and success in mathematics. Across one semester of undergraduate coursework, we emphasized collaborative group work and discussion groups, integrated peer teaching, flipped classroom, and role-play methodologies, used game-based learning through Kahoot! and Quizizz, and regularly incorporated mathematical magic tricks. The participants in the study are pre-service teachers from a Portuguese higher education institution enrolled in a first year mathematics course. In order to understand how these methodologies were perceived by the students, a survey was conducted. Our findings suggest that this multi-faceted approach effectively increased student interest and improved learning outcomes in mathematics.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.0409
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
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