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Title: Hypermediation functionalities in digital platforms for collaborative and social interaction
Author: Oliveira, Eliza R.
Tymoshchuck, Oksana
Sacramento, Eveline R.
Branco, André C.
Carvalho, Daniel
Pedro, Luis
Antunes, Maria
Almeida, Ana
Ramos, Fernando
Keywords: Hypermediation
Digital platform
Mobile application
Community-based innovation
Social interaction
Issue Date: 24-Apr-2023
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to identify how Mobile Apps/Platforms have promoted Hypermediation Processes, establishing functionalities that enhance hypermediation. This determines how it improves interactions and audience engagement with online media content, allowing the user to not only be a passive spectator but also actively participate through the interaction provided by the system. Considering that the hypermediation concept is still not widely established, a theoretical introduction is presented, aiming to define it. To map the hypermediation traits, we conducted a systematic literature review to identify functionalities that enhance hypermediation in current mobile apps/platforms. It comprises articles from Scopus and Web of Science databases, published between 2016 and 2021. Further, the research strategy used keywords in English and Spanish, and it was made in accordance with the PRISMA Statement. A total of 29 articles were analysed to identify hypermediation functionalities that play a relevant role in fostering communication and engagement in collaborative and social interaction contexts. Simultaneously, this article discusses how hypermediation can be understood in the CeNTER platform scope as an example of a digital platform for community-led initiatives. This study's results made it possible to identify the functionalities of hypermediation that are essential to promote community initiatives and local development.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.5220/0011965900003467
ISSN: 2184-4992
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DeCA - Comunicações
DigiMedia - Comunicações
INETmd - Comunicações

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