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Title: Geophagic materials characterization and potential impact on human health: the case study of Maputo City (Mozambique)
Author: Bernardo, Bernardino
Candeias, Carla
Rocha, Fernando
Keywords: Geophagy
Risk assessment
Maputo city
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: This study aims to characterize and estimate risk assessment associated with geophagic materials consumption in Maputo city (Mozambique). Samples were collected in extraction mines, unprepared and prepared ones, and in Maputo markets. Fractions < 2 mm (total consumed material) and <63 µm were analyzed to determine pH, EC, OM, chemical composition (XRF), and mineral phases present (XRD). The results revealed pH from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, and electrical conductivity ranging from 13 to 47 µS/cm in mine unprepared and prepared samples, while 264–465 µS/cm in sampled sold in markets. Organic matter content was <2.76%, except in one sample (8.14%), suggesting a potential risk of containing bacteria. Textural analysis revealed that sand-size particles were more representative in all samples (57.2–93.02%). Mineralogical phases identified in the consumed sample were ranked quartz (>60%) > Fe oxides/hidroxides > phyllosilicates (micas and kaolinite) > feldspars, suggesting a risk of dental enamel damage and perforation of the sigmoid colon. The chemical concentration of some elements was higher than recommended daily dose, suggesting a potential risk. However, geophagic materials’ chemical composition does not pose a carcinogenic risk.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/app12104832
Appears in Collections:DGeo - Artigos
GeoBioTec - Artigos

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