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Title: Viscous microcapsules as microbioreactors to study mesenchymal stem/stromal cells osteolineage commitment
Author: Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei, Maryam
Miranda, João M.
Correia, Clara R.
Mano, João F.
Keywords: Microbioreactor
Osteogenic differentiation
Dynamic microenvironment
Mechanical cues
Shear stress
Issue Date: 8-Apr-2023
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: It is essential to design a multifunctional well-controlled platform to transfermechanical cues to the cells in different magnitudes. This study introduces aplatform, a miniaturized bioreactor, which enables to study the effect of shearstress in microsized compartmentalized structures. In this system, thewell-established cell encapsulation system of liquefied capsules (LCs) is usedas microbioreactors in which the encapsulated cells are exposed to variablecore viscosities to experience different mechanical forces under a 3D dynamicculture. The LC technology is joined with electrospraying to produce suchmicrobioreactors at high rates, thus allowing the application of microcapsulesfor high-throughput screening. Using this platform for osteogenicdifferentiation as an example, shows that microbioreactors with higher coreviscosity which produce higher shear stress lead to significantly higherosteogenic characteristics. Moreover, in this system the forces experienced bycells in each LC are simulated by computational modeling. The maximum wallshear stress applied to the cells inside the bioreactor with low, and high coreviscosity environment is estimated to be 297 and 1367 mPa, respectively, forthe experimental setup employed. This work outlines the potential of LCmicrobioreactors as a reliable in vitro customizable platform with a wide rangeof applications.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202201503
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Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
DQ - Artigos

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