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Title: Neural gliding and neural tensioning differently impact flexibility, heat and pressure pain thresholds in asymptomatic subjects: a randomized, parallel and double-blind study
Author: Martins, Carolina
Pereira, Rebeca
Fernandes, Inês
Martins, Joana
Lopes, Tiago
Ramos, Luis
Pacheco, Joana
Silva, Anabela G.
Keywords: Neural mobilization
Hamstring flexibility
Heat threshold
Issue Date: Mar-2019
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Objective: To compare the effect of neural gliding and tensioning on hamstring flexibility, nerve function (heat and cold thresholds) and pain sensitivity (pain intensity and pressure pain threshold) of the mobilized and non-mobilized lower limbs at post-intervention and 24 h follow up. Design: Randomized, parallel and double blinded trial. Setting/participants: Forty-eight asymptomatic participants. Intervention(s): Participants received neural gliding (n ¼ 23) or tensioning (n ¼ 25). Main Outcome Measures e Straight leg raising (SLR; in degrees), heat and cold threshold (ºC), pressure pain threshold (PPT; in Kgf) and pain intensity (visual analogue scale), taken at baseline, post- intervention and at 24 h follow up. Results: There was a significant interaction between time, intervention and limb for SLR (F2,45 ¼ 3.83; p ¼ 0.029). A significant interaction between time and intervention for PPT (F2,45 ¼ 3.59; p ¼ 0.036) and heat threshold (F2,45 ¼ 5.10; p ¼ 0.01). A significant effect of time (F2,45 ¼ 9.42; p < 0.001) and of limb (F1,46 ¼ 4.78; p ¼ 0.035) for pain intensity during SLR, and a significant effect of time (F2,45 ¼ 3.65; p ¼ 0.034) for pain intensity during PPT. Conclusion: Gliding and tensioning had similar and positive effects for flexibility in the mobilized limb, but tensioning was superior for the non-mobilized limb. Gliding was superior to tensioning for pressure pain and heat thresholds.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2019.01.008
ISSN: 1466-853X
Appears in Collections:ESSUA - Artigos
CINTESIS - Artigos

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