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Title: Exploring symmetry through portuguese tiles in historical monuments
Author: Rita, Paula
Bastos, Nuno
Hall, Andreia
Keywords: Symmetry
Wallpaper patterns
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Tessellations Publishing
Abstract: Portugal has a rich and long cultural heritage which can be used to promote the teaching of Mathematics in schools. Geometry can be explored through the analysis of decorative art found in Portuguese historical buildings, in particular through the analysis of ceramic tile panels and facades used extensively throughout several centuries. Through the analysis of decorative art found using ceramic tiles in two Portuguese monuments, we propose several teaching activities to explore the topics of isometry and symmetry in schools. We give some examples of rosettes, friezes and wallpapers found in the monuments, classified according to their symmetry groups. We also give an example of an applied activity using GeoGebra and exploring Islamic patterns.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-1-938664-42-7
ISSN: 1099-6702
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Comunicações
SCG - Comunicações

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