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Title: Graphic and multimedia design of a narrative-based math game
Author: Afonso, R.
Breda, A.
Rocha, E.
Keywords: Serious game
Math learning
Game design
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IATED
Abstract: In this paper, we will describe the process of creating the graphic and multimedia design of the math serious game CNME. This game designed to facilitate and “gamify” mathematical learning processes is based on the narrative of Magellan-Elcano’s epic circumnavigation journey around the world. CNME game was developed by an interdisciplinary team of the research and development thematic line GEOMETRIX. In graphic and multimedia terms the main function is to illustrate and retell events around this trip in an interactive and dynamic way, captivating and maintaining the user's interest and attention, making mathematical challenges emerge as natural / plausible events within the narrative context that unfolds. The stimuli, used to anchor the narrative, differ according to the situation/episode that is unfolding. They are employed either to capture the player's attention or to make the experience more engaging and enjoyable. The game is simple and logical presenting the events methodically. It follows, chronologically, the historical and remarkable events of this famous odyssey, presenting each scene as a different chapter. The exploration of these "chapters" position the user in front of different mathematical, historical, playful or general knowledge challenges and problems, which he / she must solve in order to progress to more advanced levels. These problems / challenges, of such a diverse nature, aim at learning and assessing mathematical, historical and everyday knowledge. This game can be seen as an interactive learning environment with challenges inserted and contextualized in the game's narrative, involving several game mechanics, among which: collecting items / objects / species and building and dismantling objects. The design phase is crucial for the development of the game as it encompasses essential factors for the success of the proposed objectives, namely, capturing attention, maintaining motivation, giving reasons for wanting to learn mathematics. The design process includes: interaction design, graphic design and sound design. During the interaction with the game the player is visual and aurally stimulated with vibrant landscapes and surrounding sounds, while being, psychologically, challenged to solve problems contextualized in a historical, interesting and real story line, triggering the desire to learn more and more.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.0861
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Capítulo de livro
DMat - Capítulo de livro
AGG - Capítulo de livro

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