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Title: Electrospinning of bioactive polycaprolactone-gelatin nanofibres with increased pore size for cartilage tissue engineering applications
Author: Semitela, Ângela
Girão, André F.
Fernandes, Carla
Ramalho, Gonçalo
Bdikin, Igor
Completo, António
Marques, Paula A.A.P.
Keywords: Cartilage tissue engineering
Electrospun scaffold
Pore size
Electrospraying-generated microparticles
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2020
Publisher: Sage
Abstract: Polycaprolactone (PCL) electrospun scaffolds have been widely investigated for cartilage repair application. However, their hydrophobicity and small pore size has been known to prevent cell attachment, proliferation and migration. Here, PCL was blended with gelatin (GEL) combining the favorable biological properties of GEL with the good mechanical performance of the former. Also, polyethylene glycol (PEG) particles were introduced during the electrospinning of the polymers blend by simultaneous electrospraying. These particles were subsequently removed resulting in fibrous scaffolds with enlarged pore size. PCL, GEL and PEG scaffolds formulations were developed and extensively structural and biologically characterized. GEL incorporation on the PCL scaffolds led to a considerably improved cell attachment and proliferation. A substantial pore size and interconnectivity increase was obtained, allowing cell infiltration through the porogenic scaffolds. All together these results suggest that this combined approach may provide a potentially clinically viable strategy for cartilage regeneration.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1177/0885328220940194
ISSN: 0885-3282
Appears in Collections:TEMA - Artigos
DEM - Artigos

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