Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/26473
Título: Gamers4Nature: game creation tools to promote Environment and Biodiversity preservation awareness
Autor: Beça, Pedro
Santos, Rita
Gomes, Gonçalo
Veloso, Ana
Ferreira, Eduardo
Matos, Milene
Palavras-chave: Mobile games
Game jams
Game design tools and techniques
Data: 2018
Editora: i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society University of Porto, Faculty of Fine Arts
Resumo: The Gamers4Nature project aims to design and operationalize a set of strategies that prepare and encourage an active participation of the youngest audience in game creation, while promoting knowledge about environmental preservation and biodiversity conservation. In the first phase, a game creation toolkit will be developed, which will include guidelines on the various phases necessary to achieve this goal, as well as resources and tools that may be useful during the process. Besides being foreseen the evaluation and application of this toolkit in a set of secondary schools, by students of different areas, the toolkit will be used by other public, such as university, allowing people with different backgrounds to be involved in the process of creating games. The project also includes the organization of game jam events with the goal of developing games around the environment and natural conservation issues. In these events, participants will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge derived from contact with the toolkit and, in multidisciplinary teams, create a set of games that reach the target audience, communicate important messages around the preservation of the environment and conservation of biodiversity and with the potential to awaken consciousness and change behaviors. With this project, it is considered that an important contribution is made to the promotion of the environment and biodiversity, by proposing a set of strategies to create games that can be used by schools, universities, environmental organizations, public bodies, among others, to improve their communication and educational strategies on the importance of preserving the environment. Finally, it is considered that the project's activities also contribute to the development of a set of soft skills in the participants, such as the ability to work in teams and solve problems, as well as creativity, skills that are increasingly valued in society.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/26473
ISBN: 978-989-54111-6-0
Versão do Editor: https://vj2018.fba.up.pt/
Aparece nas coleções: DigiMedia - Comunicações

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