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Title: Designing for additive manufacturing technologies: a design research methodology
Author: Félix, Silvina
Dias, Luís Nuno
Clemente, Violeta
Keywords: Design research methodology
Product design
Additive manufacturing (3D-printing)
Design process
Issue Date: 6-Sep-2017
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: The poster presents a design research methodology of a doctoral granted ongoing research aiming to explore how product design can take advantages of Additive Manufacturing (AM) potential. Research methodology in design field is one of the main difficulties faced by new Ph.D design students. Present work proposes a carefully planned methodological approach with different data collecting methods that will be applied to achieve design knowledge in three main categories: praxeology, epistemology and phenomenology including interviews, focus groups sessions, think aloud protocol studies and final artefacts analysis. Data collecting instruments to be applied on phase one are already being tested in classroom context with design students developing a project lead by AM implications on design.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1352981
ISSN: 1460-6925
Appears in Collections:ESAN - Artigos

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