Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/17834
Título: Effectiveness of skills for academic and socialsSuccess (SASS) with portuguese adolescents
Autor: Vagos, Paula
Pereira, Anabela
Warner, Carrie Masia
Data: 2015
Editora: Guilford Press
Resumo: Social fears are common among adolescents and may considerably impair their lives. Even so, most adolescents do not seek professional help for these difficulties, making it important to promote evidence-based and preventive in- terventions in community samples. This research presents the effectiveness of an intervention with a group of five female adolescents who reported serious interference of their social fears in their daily life. At post-intervention, effec- tiveness was noticeable by high recovery, reliable individual change, and intra- group statistical change. The intervention showed impact for measures of social anxiety, avoidance, and assertiveness, and such impact was steady at 3-month follow-up. These findings add to the cumulative and transcultural evidence on the effectiveness of Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS).
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/17834
ISSN: 0020-7284
Versão do Editor: http://guilfordjournals.com/doi/abs/10.1521/ijgp.2015.65.1.135
Aparece nas coleções: CIDTFF - Artigos

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