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Title: Carbon dioxide solubility in aqueous solutions of NaCl: Measurements and modeling with electrolyte equations of state
Author: Carvalho, Pedro J
Pereira, Luis M C
Goncalves, Neusa P F
Queimada, Antonio J
Coutinho, Joao A P
Keywords: Carbon dioxide
Henry’s constant
CPA-Infochem EoS
RKSA-Infochem EoS
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: A new high pressure cell was developed to measure the high pressure phase behavior of gas + aqueous salt solutions and validated through the measurement, and comparison against literature data, of two systems, the H2O+CO2 and H2O+CO2 + NaCl, at temperatures up to 363 K and pressures up to 13 MPa. As previously reported by others, a salting out effect on the carbon dioxide solubility in water by NaCl is observed, decreasing its solubility as the salt concentration increases. Electrolyte versions of the cubic plus association and the RKSA Infochem equations of state were used to estimate the H2O+CO2 and H2O+CO2 + NaCl phase behavior, with both EoS providing a good representation of the experimental data.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2014.12.043
ISSN: 0378-3812
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos

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