Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/11864
Título: D7.2: Sensors integration and operation
Autor: Aguiar, Rui Luís
Alves, Luis Nero
Lourenço, Nuno
Lourenço, Daniel
Santos, Dinis
Melo, António Pereira de
Palavras-chave: Projecto LITES CIP-ICT-PSP 238916
Data: 1-Fev-2013
Resumo: The LITES project deliverable “D7.2 – Sensors Integration and Operation” reports to the activities developed by the UAV team members under work package 7 (Optimization of sensors), Task 7.2(Integration of the sensors and its operation). In a brief description, this report presents both a customized sensor solution and a commercial solution provided by the industrial partner Thorn. This report follows the concerns presented in an Advancement Report submitted by the UAV to the LITES Consortium members [1]. The lack time to comply with the prototype pré- industrialization impaired full testing of the customized solution. The following text is divided into 5 sections. Section 1 presents a system overview of the customized solution. Section 2 presents the implemented twilight sensor and section 3 the motion sensor, discussing separately the PIR and MW detectors. Section 4 presents the sensors control unit, giving both circuits and software descriptions. Finally Section 5 presents the commercially available solution from Thorn Lighting and compares it with the one developed at UAV.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/11864
Aparece nas coleções: DETI - Relatórios

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