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Title: Network interfaces flying over IP networks
Author: Brito, Alexandre
Aguiar, Rui L
Barraca, João Paulo
Keywords: Communication medium
Constrained devices
Control of networks
Data planes
Distributed environments
Experimentation Heterogeneous communication
IEEE 802.11g
Interface control
IP networks
Network Interface
Novel methods
Prototype implementations
Remote operation
System composition
Traffic generation
Communication systems
Embedded systems
Interfaces (computer)
Internet protocols
Telecommunication networks
Issue Date: Jun-2011
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: We propose a novel method to export both interface control and data planes across different hosts, effectively enabling hardware specific control of network interfaces over the Internet, or from a host to its virtualized guests. Our solution is a major step towards distributed environments of heterogeneous communication systems, particularly relevant in the scope of custom system composition, remote development and testing, and is especially relevant when considering embedded or geographically constrained devices. Results obtained by our prototype implementation validate the effectiveness of the solution. We present a preliminary characterization of its impact, when considering traffic generation applications, when applied over an IEEE 802.11g communication medium.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1109/ISCC.2011.5983975
ISBN: 978-1-4577-0680-6
ISSN: 1530-1346
Appears in Collections:IT - Comunicações

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