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Title: Civic Education in Basic School: Problems and Challenges in the Digital Age
Author: Nogueira, Fernanda
Moreira, António
Pedro, Ana
Keywords: Civic education
Information and communication technologies
Teachers’ perceptions
Issue Date: Dec-2009
Publisher: M. Muñoz & F. Ferreira
Abstract: This paper focus on the analysis of preliminary data of an ongoing study involving Portuguese teachers and students, in the non-disciplinary curricular area of Civic Education. The project aims at encouraging collaborative behaviour in educational communities, involving teachers and students in the development of digital contents, and at exploring different issues on citizenship education, under a case-based methodology. We believe this action research study is of relevance because it can unveil examples of good practices and innovative teaching strategies that need to be disseminated in this compulsory subject taking into account the results of recent studies, which exposed some of the inefficiency of the strategies adopted so far.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-989-8295-00-2
Appears in Collections:DEP - Comunicações

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