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Title: A new approach for time-triggered phase in the FTT-CAN protocol: a case study in an automotive system
Author: Ataide, Fernando
Pereira, Carlos
Silva, Valter
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: Important researches have presented different approaches in the real-time embedded communication domain aiming to cover the growing demands of performance, predictability and reliability of emerging applications. Such requirements involve low latency, reduced jitter, time composability, fault-tolerance and finally, support for future extensions. In agreement, the FTT (Flexible Time-Triggered) model is an approach which aiming to provide flexibility on the timetriggered traffic together with timeliness, differently of others approaches. This paper present a new and enhanced FTT model to improve some drawbacks in the time-triggered message traffic and time-triggered task execution. Some experimental results has been performed using a FTT-CAN implementation over an embedded linux with RTAI extension.
Peer review: yes
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Appears in Collections:ESTGA - Comunicações

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