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Title: 40-Gb/s systems on G.652 fibers: comparison between periodic and all-at-the-end dispersion compensation
Author: Pizzinat, A.
Schiffini, A.
Alberti, F.
Matera, F.
Pinto, A. N.
Almeida, P.
Keywords: Nonlinear distortion
Optical fiber communication
Optical fiber dispersion
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: In the literature, two system solutions have been proposed to overcome high dispersion problems typical of G.652 fibers at high bit rates (40 Gb/s): they are periodic and all-at-the-end dispersion compensation. We carry out an exhaustive comparison between the two methods that, up to this moment, have been studied separately. In the first part, we introduce a simplified model on strong dispersion management (DM) with intrachannel four-waves mixing (IFWM) and intrachannel cross-phase modulation (IXPM). We then carry out extensive numerical simulations of a complete system in order to verify the results as a function of the input average power and of the input pulsewidth. Finally, we tackle a typical system aspect, i.e., the influence of nonlinear effects on dispersion compensating fibers (DCFs).
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2002.802222
ISSN: 0733-8724
Appears in Collections:DETI - Artigos

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