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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
May-2024Attributes associated with consonantal place and voicing in whispered speechJesus, Luis M. T.; Castilho, Sara; Ferreira, Aníbal J. S.; Costa, Maria ConceiçãobookPartopenAccess
May-2024Features used to discriminate vowel height in voiced and whispered speechJesus, Luis M. T.; Castilho, Sara; Ferreira, Aníbal J. S.; Costa, Maria ConceiçãobookPartopenAccess
2024Predicting the Age of Emergence of ConsonantsJesus, Luis M. T.; Trabelsi, JihenbookPartopenAccess
2022Avaliação neurolinguística em pacientes com tumores cerebraisAlves, Joana; Cardoso, Mafalda; Morgado, Mariana; Jesus, Luis M. T.bookPartopenAccess
2021A comparative study of European Portuguese stop consonants and fricatives in whispered speech and normal speech for real-time operation of voice conversionSilva, João P.; Cardoso, Clara F.; Oliveira, Marco A.; Jesus, Luís M. T.; Ferreira, AníbalbookPartopenAccess
2015The symmetry of oligonucleotide distance distributions in the human genomeTavares, Ana Helena; Afreixo, Vera; Rodrigues, João Manuel; Bastos, CarlosbookPartrestrictedAccess
2018A model to support the implementation of courses using information and communication technologies in higher education institutionsAlvelos, Helena; Costa, Carolina Simões; Teixeira, LeonorbookPartopenAccess
2018Identification of inefficiencies in a complaints handling processSantos, Miguel; Alvelos, Helena; Xambre, Ana Raquel; Teixeira, LeonorbookPartopenAccess
2020A Framework to Support Quality Data Mart Solutions: an approach developed based on practical casesMendes, A. R.; Teixeira, Leonor; Alvelos, HelenabookPartrestrictedAccess
Sep-2023Corporate scandals and global indexes: examining the roles of corruption, development, press freedom, sustainability, and democracyLopes, Carlos F.; Ferreira, Augusta; Ferreira, CarlosbookPartopenAccess
Sep-2023Understanding corporate scandals: a conceptual model and the corporate governance involvementLopes, Carlos F.; Ferreira, Augusta; Ferreira, CarlosbookPartopenAccess
2022Exploring alterations in electrocardiogram during the postoperative painPais, Daniela; Brás, Susana; Sebastião, RaquelbookPartrestrictedAccess
2022Characterization of emotions through facial electromyogram signalsPereira, Lara; Brás, Susana; Sebastião, RaquelbookPartrestrictedAccess
15-Jul-2022A Preliminary study on electrocardiogram response during pain inductionBento, Ana; Brás, Susana; Sebastião, RaquelbookPartembargoedAccess
31-Aug-2022Characterization of postoperative pain through electrocardiogram: a first approachSebastião, RaquelbookPartembargoedAccess
2022A preliminary case study: predicting postoperative pain through electrocardiogramSebastião, RaquelbookPartembargoedAccess
2015Software parallel implementation of a DS-CDMA multiuser detectorGonçalves, Luís Carlos; Martins, Rui Escadas; Ferrari, António BritobookPartopenAccess
Feb-2021The impact of on accessible tourism: the evidence based on a systematic literature reviewTeixeira, Pedro; Teixeira, Leonor; ICTsEusébio, Celeste; Silva, Samuel; Teixeira, AntóniobookPartrestrictedAccess
29-Mar-2021The role of higher education institutions in the accessible tourism ecosystem: requirements for the conceptualization of an information systemTeixeira, Pedro; Alves, Joana; Eusébio, Celeste; Teixeira, LeonorbookPartopenAccess
2021The tourism supply agents’ view on the development of an accessible tourism information systemAlves, Joana Pimentel; Teixeira, Pedro; Eusébio, Celeste; Teixeira, LeonorbookPartrestrictedAccess
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41