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Title: Synthesis of PbSe nanocrystallites using a single-source method. The X-ray crystal structure of lead (II) diethyldiselenocarbamate
Author: Trindade, Tito
Monteiro, Olinda C.
O'Brien, Paul
Motevalli, Majid
Keywords: Lead selenide
metal diselenocarbamate complexes
Issue Date: Mar-1999
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The compounds PbhSe CN(C H ) j and PbhSe CN(CH )(C H )j were synthesised and characterised. The X-ray crystal structure 2 2 5 2 2 2 3 6 13 2 of PbhSe CN(C H ) j is reported. The use of these compounds as single-molecule precursors to produce PbSe by thermolysis in 2 2 5 2 2 tri-n-octylphosphine oxide was investigated. The optical and morphological properties of the PbSe particulates were analysed; strong quantum confinement effects were observed in the optical spectra of nanodispersed PbSe in organic solvents.
Peer review: yes
ISSN: 0277-5387
Appears in Collections:DQ - Artigos

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Polyhedron, Volume 18, Issues 8-9, 12 March 1999, Pages 1171-1175.pdf254.05 kBAdobe PDFrestrictedAccess

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