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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
Jul-2020Comparing learning objects for effective learning in MathematicsDescalço, L.; Carvalho, P.bookPartopenAccess
1-Apr-2020On the spectra of some g-circulant matrices and applications to nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problemAndrade, Enide; Arrieta, Luis; Manzaneda, Cristina; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
2-Jun-2023Spatiotemporal and meteorological relationships in dengue transmission in the Dominican Republic, 2015-2019Robert, Michael A.; Rodrigues, Helena Sofia; Herrera, Demian; Campos, Juan de Mata Donado; Morilla, Fernando; Del Águila Mejía, Javier; Guardado, María Elena; Skewes, Ronald; Colomé-Hidalgo, ManuelarticleopenAccess
2021Farming awareness based optimum interventions for crop pest controlAbraha, Teklebirhan; Al Basir, Fahad; Obsu, Legesse Lemecha; Torres, Delfim F. M.articleopenAccess
30-Jan-2024On spectral invariants of the α-mixed adjacency matrixAndrade, Enide; Lenes, Eber; Pizarro Pamela; Robbiano, María; Rodríguez, JonnathanarticleembargoedAccess
2020On Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for harmonical h-convex interval-valued functionsDafang Zhao; Tianqing An; Guoju Ye; Torres, Delfim F. M.articlerestrictedAccess
30-Jun-2020On the equivalence of the integral and differential Bellman equations in impulse control problemsDufour, Francois; Piunovskiy, Alexey; Plakhov, AlexanderarticleopenAccess
2023Feasible-reachability of 1D and 2D state-space systems*Pereira, Ricardo; Rocha, PaulaarticleopenAccess
2023Discrete Opial type inequalities for interval-valued functionsZhao, Dafang; You, Xuexiao; Torres, Delfim F. M.articleopenAccess
Jun-2021A behavioral approach to estimation in the presence of disturbancesPereira, Ricardo; Rocha, Paula; Ntogramatzidis, LorenzoarticleopenAccess
Results 1-10 of 1050 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).