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Title: Confronting environmental perceptions of local populations and local authorities
Author: Carvalho, Daniela
Fidélis, Teresa
Keywords: Environmental Management
Local authorities
Issue Date: 2-May-2009
Publisher: Emerald
Abstract: Purpose – The main focus of this paper is on a study of environmental perceptions in the municipality of Aveiro, Portugal. Design/methodology/approach – The study draws pn complaints regarding environmental matters submitted to the City Council and on a critical analysis of the results in comparison with the opinions of local government authorities and non-governmental organisations, which have responsibilities for local environmental management, and experts. Findings – The results reflect the local actors relevant to the protests, including, among these citizens and local authorities, the main concerns intrinsic to the complaints and questionnaire responses, such as those relating to urban solid waste, water, air pollution, noise and unhealthy lots; and the “preferential zones” in which environmental problems are most likely to generate complaints, more specifically the dense urban areas and, to a lesser extent, the classified natural areas, and the preferential zones for the occurrence of environmental problems in the opinion of the respondents, namely the hydrographical nets and associated margins and the rural or sparse areas. The respondents were also encouraged to identify measures required to solve the local environmental problems, revealing a great range of suggested procedures, from educational to coercive types. Originality/value – There are few studies concerning complaints on environmental issues and a comparison of these data with the perceptions of local decision-makers and experts offers a useful route to the characterisation and evaluation of local environmental concerns, identifying the most significant environmental problems within the study area. Proper management of this information can positively influence the decision-making processes, allowing a more directed and efficient performance on the part of local government.
Peer review: yes
ISSN: 1477-7835
Appears in Collections:DAO - Artigos

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