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Title: Advancing public understanding of epigenetics: the EPIBOOST project’s video science outreach
Author: Oliveira, David
Guerra, Cecília
Loureiro, M. J.
Jeremias, G.
Pereira, J. L.
Keywords: Epigenetics
public understanding
science communication
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2024
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: The public’s growing interest in epigenetics, particularly its applications in human health, underscores the significance of epigenetic mechanisms in regulating gene activity and promoting phenotypic diversity without altering DNA sequences. Within the framework of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis, epigenetics is regarded as a non-genetic contributor to evolution. The EPIBOOST project, “BOOSting excellence in environmental EPIgenetics,” investigates epigenetic changes induced by contaminants in aquatic organisms and aims to enhance public understanding of epigenetics through science outreach videos. A multidisciplinary team comprising Biology, Education, and Design researchers produced the video “What is Epigenetics?” using a design-based research methodology and a design thinking approach. This process involved storyboard design, audio recording, image production, video editing, testing, refinement, and public dissemination. The interactive development of the storyboard and script aimed to efficiently communicate the significance of epigenetics, fostering public understanding of this emerging research area through an effective science communication strategy. This paper focuses on the development process for the first video, which aims to promote public awareness of epigenetics using the AEIOU framework (Awareness, Enjoyment, Interest, Opinions, and Understanding) to elucidate epigenetic concepts such as DNA methylation, gene expression, and phenotype, and their integration in environmental assessment frameworks.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1080/09523987.2024.2436766
ISSN: 0952-3987
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos
CIDTFF - Artigos
DigiMedia - Artigos

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