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Title: Specification of paraconsistent transition systems, revisited
Author: Cunha, Juliana
Madeira, Alexandre
Barbosa, Luís Soares
Keywords: Paraconsistent logic
Specification theory
Dynamic logic
Modal logic
Issue Date: Feb-2025
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The need for more flexible and robust models to reason about systems in the presence of conflicting information is becoming more and more relevant in different contexts. This has prompted the introduction of paraconsistent transition systems, where transitions are characterized by two pairs of weights: one representing the evidence that the transition effectively occurs and the other its absence. Such a pair of weights can express scenarios of vagueness and inconsistency. This paper establishes a foundation for a compositional and structured specification approach of paraconsistent transition systems, framed as paraconsistent institution. The proposed methodology follows the stepwise implementation process outlined by Sannella and Tarlecki.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2024.103196
ISSN: 0167-6423
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
AGG - Artigos

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