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Title: Towards a sustainable future: challenges and opportunities for early-career chemists
Author: Dobbelaar, Emiel
Goher, Shaimaa S.
Vidal, Juliana L.
Obhi, Nimrat K.
Felisilda, Bren M. B.
Choo, Yvonne S. L.
Ismail, Hossny
Lee, Hooi Ling
Nascimento, Vanessa
Al Bakain, Ramia
Ranasinghe, Muhandiramge
Davids, Bianca L.
Naim, Arish
Offiong, Nnanake-Abasi
Borges, João
John, Torsten
Keywords: Sustainable chemistry
Green chemistry
Early-career chemists
Issue Date: 26-Aug-2024
Publisher: Wiley; Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
Abstract: The concepts of sustainability and sustainable chemistry have attracted increasing attention in recent years, being of great importance to the younger generation. In this Viewpoint Article, we share how early-career chemists can contribute to the sustainable transformation of their discipline. We identify ways in which they can engage to catalyse action for change. This article does not attempt to answer questions about the most promising or pressing areas driving research and chemical innovation in the context of sustainability. Instead, we want to inspire and engage early-career chemists in pursuing sustainable actions by showcasing opportunities in education, outreach and policymaking, research culture and publishing, while highlighting existing challenges and the complexity of the topic. We want to empower early-career chemists by providing resources and ideas for engagement for a sustainable future globally. While the article focuses on students and early-career chemists, it provides insights to further stimulate the engagement of scientists from diverse backgrounds.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1002/anie.202319892
ISSN: 1433-7851
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
DQ - Artigos

Formato BibTex MendeleyEndnote Degois 

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