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Title: Sensitivity analysis of the square cup forming process using PAWN and Sobol indices
Author: Parreira, Tomás G.
Rodrigues, Diogo C.
Oliveira, Marta C.
Sakharova, Nataliya A.
Prates, Pedro A.
Pereira, André F. G.
Keywords: Square cup
Sensitivity analysis
PAWN indices
Sobol indices
Issue Date: Apr-2024
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: This study investigates the sensitivity of the square cup forming process. It analyses how the uncertainties in the material properties, friction and process conditions affect the results of the square cup, such as equivalent plastic strain, geometry change, thickness reduction, punch force and springback. The cup flange and the die curvature region are identified as highly affected areas, while the cup bottom is least affected by the uncertainties. Two sensitivity analysis techniques, PAWN and Sobol indices, are compared. In particular, the study shows that PAWN indices require a significantly smaller number of simulations than Sobol indices, making them a more efficient choice for sensitivity analysis. While both PAWN and Sobol indices generally give comparable results, discrepancies arise in the analysis of springback, where PAWN indices show superior accuracy, particularly when dealing with multimodal distributions. This observation highlights the importance of selecting the appropriate sensitivity analysis method based on the nature of the data being analysed. These results provide insights for optimizing stamping processes to reduce production time and costs.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/met14040432
Appears in Collections:TEMA - Artigos
DEM - Artigos

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